The story has made an already-complex relationship even more bizarre, as Rihanna (21) seemingly not only forgave R’n’B star Brown (21) over the vicious attack but agreed to become his wife.
And ‘Star Magazine’ in the US reported that in a move worthy of the most outlandish music legends, the couple summoned a minister to carry out the wedding – which was held at rapper Diddy’s Miami mansion.
According to, Rihanna accepted both Chris’ apology and his marriage proposal at the same time.
The pair then wed on the Saturday – perhaps consummating the marriage afterwards!
It seems reports that the couple got back together because Rihanna couldn’t bear to be without her boyfriend – against the wishes of her family – were on the mark.
Brown is considered to be religious, and so they might have turned to the clergyman for advice.
In his first public statement following the attack, he said: “I am seeking the counselling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person.”
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posted 2015 Dec 04 by NuraI agree, it’s I remember, probably tomorrow …
posted 2011 Jun 07 by Sladvandy